Thursday 16 February 2017

Police encourage responsible use of social media

"Police encourage responsible use of social media"

As the article states, the police are urging residents to be responsible when posting on social media, especially when the information has not been confirmed. This response from the police came after relatives and friends of Glenmore Hughes, who was injured was posted "rest in peace" on his Facebook status. Hughes, the 47-year-old resident of Sea View Farm had an altercation with a family friend who reportedly slapped him, causing him to fall and hit his head on the road. However, he is still not given a definitive state on whether he is actually dead or not, just that some of his body parts are unresponsive.

This responsibility on social media is a demonstration of the echo chamber and to some extents, fake news. Fake news in the sense that incorrect or mistaken information is being put out on the internet without definitive approval. 

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