"You don’t have to act like a newspaper on the net"
As the article states, the launch of two new-brand websites by the Washington Post and Politico hint at a youthful, hopeful future for legacy media groups in cyberspace. Essentially, there is now a merging between online use and hard copy newspapers. And according to the article "We now have more than 1.5m digital-only subscriptions, up from 1m a year ago and from zero only six years ago. We also have more than 1m print subscriptions, and our readers are receiving a product better than it has ever been …”. Also a new report from the Reuters Institute on media upheavals in 2017 predicts more print papers will follow the Independent and go online only.

I think this will be an effective way of reviving print news by merging it with an existing and successful product in the market. However, we need to reduce the dominant role that the print newspaper still plays in our organisation and rhythms, while making the print paper even better.
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