Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Kim Kardashian gets finessed

Infamous Kim Kardashian was held gunpoint during her stay in Paris, where she was finessed for millions of pounds worth of of jewellery from robbers after making herself a target by flaunting her lavish lifestyle on social media, police have said. 

  • 48 million followers on Twitter
  • Anyone can easily be tracked using social media, as some users like to project their everyday life on social networks such as Twitter, Snapchat, Periscope, Etc
The incident was a result of a picture posted by her, showing her huge pure diamond ring. Acknowledging Kim's fame on Twitter, or any social platform for that matter, information about her were being exposed, where she was, such as her location - hotel name, street, how many weeks she was staying, etc. Her tweets almost broadcasted her life too much, giving these robbers enough information to 'perfectly' plan the upcoming situation. Issues such as these are the pinnacle of violating peoples' privacy on the Internet, example all it takes is a person's full name to be stalked, or known in computer terms to be 'Doxed'. 
Also as a result, she was victim to Internet, met by online abuse and cruel jokes, simply from the anonymity of the users, depending on whether their profile was private or not, or even signed in as guests.

Image result for stalking

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