Tuesday, 20 September 2016

"Celebrity Big Brother leaked video appears to prove show is scripted":

While Celebrity Big Brother was being aired LIVE the video linked above apparently shows what is to be accidental leaked footage of the show being scripted. Big Brother’s voice over announced further instruction to the finalists after contestants were to sleep. “This is Big Brother: Housemates, just listen to Big Brother again,” the announcement said. “Big Brother will tell you that tomorrow is a really, really, big day for all of you, and it will start quite early and end quite late.
“So what Big Brother would suggest is that you all wash your teeth, get whatever washing you need done and then call it a night relatively quickly.”
What blew it for the fans was this:
 “Great take guys,” Norwood said as he bounced back out of bed. "Great take."
However, later on there were plausible explanations for this, such as the footage being simply wanted to be used for production/editing purposes. "The show isn't fake. What they did was for production/editing purposes only, for the final show. On the final clip of house action during the live final, they like to show big brother saying good night, as they all go to sleep. Obviously in reality, they all sleep at different times. So they did this. It's for production only, similar to them adding music, replays of past convo's and onscreen name tags. It does make them look silly but doesn't make the show fake."
Whether this scene was scripted or not, or the entire show for matter, Celebrity Big Brother still has produced entertainment for their viewers, and that is what matters more in my opinion, but some fans have taken their beloved show for resentment and expressed their grief on Twitter.

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