"Brits now spend more time consuming media on their mobile phones than on computers"
The article states how British people, including adults, consume news more on their mobile phones than the expected desktop computers. Apparently, "mobile devices have overtaken computers as the primary method of consuming digital media in Britain for the first time." As a result, there are objective predictions made based on current statistics, predicting that mobile will have a 29.5% share of total media time spent per day - just a single percentage point behind TV. Comments made, ""In fact, small proportions of digital and mobile time are actually taken up by TV-like viewing, with a plethora of on-demand and streaming options being keenly embraced by UK consumers."; "...data speeds are getting faster and people are becoming more efficient on apps - which means less time spent using them."; "...next year, more than half of all media time in the UK will be spent with digital devices."
- mobile will have a 29.5% share of total media time spent per day - just a single percentage point behind TV.
- adults in the UK will spend an average of 2 hours and 29 minutes per day on their mobile phone or tablet in 2016, compared to 2 hours and 16 minutes on their desktop or laptop.
Acknowledging the situation as a media student, it is no surprise that there is more consumption on mobile phones than on computers simply due to the fact of new and digital media pioneering new methods of news consumption.

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