Wednesday, 28 December 2016

ndm case study : news on the Tweet

NDM case study: News on the Tweet

1.) As the article states, respected brands as helpful for Twitter as they create a circulation and mutual support for each other. Statistically as quoted in the article, '64% of newspaper followers say Twitter helps ensure that established newsbrands continue to resonate with new audiences, while 62% think it’s important that news on Twitter is verified by a respected brand.' And that they're "stronger together".

2.) Mentioned earlier, these respected brands help Twitter improve their image and the connection that it has with these brands as a result. These results include things such as the fact that Twitter brings new readers, and statistically '60% of UK news brand followers say they follow newspaper brands that normally they wouldn’t read in print.'

3.) In my sole subjective opinion, I would disagree to the statement that the old and new media 'are not, in fact, in direct competition, but often work extremely well together', given the fact that old media such as newspapers are constantly in the struggle of maintaining their place in the market both financially and for the sake of people's news consumption. However, objectively the article seems to hint that they instead actually help each other.

4.) "gossip" and "banter" examples in the article

  • "I reveal the shocking truth behind Jennifer Aniston’s new hair"
  • "The most amazing thing about the story of President Hollande having an affair is that he apparently only has one pair of shoes."
  • "Excellent: a University has spent £20,000 building a mock pub for students to investigate why people get drunk"
5.) "Banter" and "gossip" may harm journalists in the sense that hard news and just useless gossip may merge together, making journalism a harder job to hinder. As a result, the industry may not even be taken seriously given sometimes their immature approach to news that might not be in every consumer's favour. 

6.) Page 34 in the article states 'It is important that news on Twitter is verified by a respected brand', so that there can be a definitive distinction between fake news and the genuine news. 
Page 36 presents statistics, such as 39% of Journalists on Twitter area trustworthy and faster source of news, 48% feel that they have a morepersonal connection with journalists I follow, and 69% feel Twitter gives them access
to journalists that they wouldn’t otherwise connect with.

7.) New and digital developments like Twitter may have an impact on the newspaper industry, given that Twitter also gives news, plus is more convenient and free, and little things like these can be enough to separate and change people's preference in how they consume news. So as a result, Twitter does in fact have a negative impact on traditional newspapers as they're replacing the once unique place they had on the market.

8.) I think its fair to say that fake news needs to be dealt with, and dealt with in a way that ensures that everyone is aware of what is going on with the issue at hand. Particularly audiences of Facebook need to acknolwedge this, as the social network is seen to be the mother load of the mix between fake news and news in general.

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